Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Government, for the people

The first time I voted was 1976, I was 18.  In 1973 (I think) the voting age was lowered to 18 and by golly, I was going to vote because it was my right.

I've only missed 1 election since then and it was a minor one.  I love that we in this country can make a difference.  At the local, county, state and national level.  I find it so sad that there are so many folks out there who don't vote!  And their excuse is that it doesn't matter, their vote doesn't matter.  So they don't care.

It so impressed me that every one of the speakers in our Government Day told us... we care about what you think, call me, email me... we are here to serve you.  So while we think they don't have any inkling what "the people" want, if we let them know, they will listen.

I also think they want all to get involved.  If you don't like something in your community, county, state or the nation, speak up!  You can start small but if you have a point to make, make it.  That is the beauty of our country, we all have a voice.  And we shouldn't be afraid to use it!

Monday, December 10, 2012

I love the government!

I love government.  I love that there is this beautiful structure that allows us to have some say, in the best way it can today, to affect change for everyone.  Its not perfect.  Its quite flawed.  Are there ways to change it, absolutely, but we all know it takes the energy and commitment that is far beyond what most of us have or want to offer. 

When I was 22, I told my mom I wasn’t voting.  Done.  Its not like it matters; its not important; its not like the candidate I believe in is going to win or even make a difference.  My mom would have none of it.  We didn’t get along in the first place, but over the phone she reminded me that at the beginning of the century, I wouldn’t have been allowed to vote.  There were people who fought to make this an option for me, to make it possible for me to even have an opinion in an election or on the political forefront.  And some of those people died trying to give me that right and give me that opportunity to have an opinion.  What she didn’t say, I have learned since and was re-conveyed yesterday in the leadership class. 

Its not just about voting.  If you want to be angry at the system and you want the system to change, put forth the energy.  Do something! By doing nothing, we stand by and let the things we don’t like continue to happen.  Not participating is a way to be complacent in the system.  Its not a boycott.  You aren’t sending a message.  It doesn’t change what you don’t like or change your selection of candidates.  Tim Eyman, whether you agree with most of his measures or not, is making change he believes in.  He is working in the system to make things better, as he sees them.  Do I agree with half of what he puts forth?  No.  Does that matter?  No.  Because that is what this system is about.  I think Seth Dawson said had the most beautiful quote of the day, “Democracy is just a substitute for civil war.”  It may not always work and it may be a game that makes us crazy, but if you want something to change, start working to change it.  Use the system to your benefit and what you feel with benefit others.  Put forth the energy, take the time, and make it change.  It can be as simple as calling your elected officials, as complicated as crafting an initiative or as stressful as running for office.  Your choice….but do something.  That’s what I took away during yesterday’s class, and it reminded me how much I love living in the United States.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Go Forth and Advocate

Be honest: How many of you had the “I’m Just a Bill” song dancing in your head during Seth Dawson’s presentation? Yeah, I thought so.

I tend to struggle with the issue of “lobbying”. I work for a federally funded organization so we are not allowed to “Use Corporation resources or use the Corporation name for lobbying or political purposes, or [here we go] engage in such activity during employee’s assigned working hours.” I am, however, permitted to engage in such activities on my personal time but, by the time I get home, the last thing on my mind is to email my representatives regarding any good cause I might be passionate about. Yet I still am a big fan of the democratic system and believe participation goes far beyond voting on Election Day and occasional dinner conversations.

With that in mind, here’s a question: Do you know the name of your Federal representatives? (Murray, Cantwell, (mine) DelBene) How about your State representatives? (Hill/Goodman/Springer) But more importantly, at least I believe so; do you know the name of your mayor? (Mine is Bernie…) City council members? (Um…)

Now, back the issue of lobbying or better yet, advocacy. Advocacy? This, for me, is a manageable way for all of us to lobby. A few years back, I attended a conference workshop on Advocacy facilitated by Stephanie Vance (http://www.advocacyguru.com/). She presented some great tips on working with your representatives (federal, state or LOCAL). Here are a few highlights (in my own words):

1. You may be passionate, but… : Who’s to say anyone else shares your views? Your representative can become passionate about your cause if you make it personal to them. For example, let’s say they have a dog named Ozzie. Your initiative promotes animal rights. You might say, “A vote for our initiative is a vote for Ozzie!"
2. Sound-bites: We live in a sound-bite era. Don’t drone on! Get your point across in a minute or less. If they want more, they’ll ask. When meeting elected officials (on my own time…) I’ll usually say, “Thank you for your efforts on ‘Workforce Development’”. That’s all. But many will stop and chat.
3. Repetition: Like washing your hair – Wash, rinse, repeat. Memorize your one-sentence-sound-bite-mantra. Say it to your elected official. Repeat each time you meet them.

I was inspired by “Government & Public Affairs Day”. I’m going to stop by next week’s City Council meeting in the People's Republic of Woodinville.